An Insurance Type Model for the Health Cost of Cold Housing

an Application of GAMLSS


  • Robert Gilchrist London Metropolitan University
  • Alim Kamara London Metropolitan University
  • Janet Rudge London Metropolitan University



Beta Binomial, GAMLSS, insurance, morbidity, costs


This paper introduces a substantive problem, namely the link between fuel poverty and excess winter morbidity amongst older people, and shows how the GAMLSS suite of programs ( can be used to provide a very flexible method of modelling both the number of hospital admissions and the corresponding lengths of stay in hospital. The approach is closely related to the models that have been used to model the number of insurance claims, and their cost (see Heller et al. (2007)). We fit the Beta Binomial distribution and a variety of continuous distributions.



How to Cite

Gilchrist , R., Kamara , A., & Rudge , J. (2009). An Insurance Type Model for the Health Cost of Cold Housing : an Application of GAMLSS. REVSTAT-Statistical Journal, 7(1), 55–66.