Modelling Irregularly Spaced Time Series Under Preferential Sampling


  • Andreia Monteiro University of Minho
  • Raquel Menezes University of Minho
  • Maria Eduarda Silva University of Porto



preferential sampling, time series, continuous time autoregressive process, SPDE


Irregularly spaced time series are commonly encountered in the analysis of time series. A particular case is that in which the collection procedure over time depends also on the observed values. In such situations, there is stochastic dependence between the process being modeled and the times at which the observations are made. Ignoring this dependence can lead to biased estimates and misleading inferences. In this paper, we introduce the concept of preferential sampling in the temporal dimension and we propose a model to make inference and prediction. The methodology is illustrated using artificial data as well a real data set.



How to Cite

Monteiro , A., Menezes, R., & Silva , M. E. (2020). Modelling Irregularly Spaced Time Series Under Preferential Sampling. REVSTAT-Statistical Journal, 18(5), 661–672.