Statistical Evaluation of Methods for the Analysis of Dynamic Protein Expression Data From a Tumor Study


  • Klaus Jung University of Dortmund
  • Ali Gannoun Université Montpellier
  • Barbara Sitek Ruhr-University Bochum
  • Ognjan Apostolov Ruhr-University Bochum
  • Alexander Schramm
  • Helmut E. Meyer Ruhr-University Bochum
  • Kai Stühler Ruhr-University Bochum
  • Wolfgang Urfer University of Dortmund



protein expression data, proteome, data preprocessing, missing values imputation, longitudinal data analysis, neuroblastoma


In this article, we analyze time dependent protein expression data obtained from a proteome study of a neuroblastoma cell line. Neuroblastoma are common solid tumors which occur in early childhood. The expression data was obtained by difference gel electrophoresis (DIGE). It is known that the clinical outcome of neuroblastoma depends on the activation of different neurotrophin receptors by their ligands. Here, we are looking for proteome changes resulting from the activation of Tyrosine Kinase (TrkA) receptors by their ligand NGF (nerve growth factor). Before analyzing the data by longitudinal data analysis we do data preprocessing and apply a method for the imputation of missing values.



How to Cite

Jung , K., Gannoun , A., Sitek , B., Apostolov , O., Schramm , A., E. Meyer , H., Stühler , K., & Urfer , W. (2006). Statistical Evaluation of Methods for the Analysis of Dynamic Protein Expression Data From a Tumor Study. REVSTAT-Statistical Journal, 4(1), 67–80.

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