Two-Factor Experiments with Split Units Constructed by Cyclic Designs and Square Lattice Designs


  • Kazuhiro Ozawa Gifu College of Nursing
  • Iwona Mejza Poznań University of Life Sciences
  • Stanisław Mejza Poznań University of Life Sciences
  • Shinji Kuriki Osaka Prefecture University



cyclic design, general balance, square lattice design, stratum efficiency factor


We consider nested row-column designs with split units for a two-factor experiment. The most optimal design in this case is that of using for the whole plots a Latin square while for the subplot treatments with a completely randomized design for each whole plot. Such a design, in fact optimal, utilizes many experimental units and quite a large space. Hence to construct new designs of reduced size of the experiment we use a cyclic design for the whole plot treatments and a square lattice design for the subplot treatments. The proposed designs are generally balanced and they allow for giving the stratum efficiency factors, especially useful to design of experiments.



How to Cite

Ozawa , K., Mejza , I., Mejza, S., & Kuriki, S. (2018). Two-Factor Experiments with Split Units Constructed by Cyclic Designs and Square Lattice Designs. REVSTAT-Statistical Journal, 16(3), 279–294.